Saturday, October 29, 2011


Easy is to get a place in someone's address book.
Difficult is to get a place in someone's heart.

Easy is to judge the mistakes of others
Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes.

Easy is to talk without thinking
Difficult is to refrain the tongue.

Easy is to hurt someone who loves us.
Difficult is to heal the wound.

Easy is to forgive others
Difficult is to ask for forgiveness.

Easy is to set rules
Difficult is to follow them.

Easy is to dream every night
Difficult is to fight for a dream.

Easy is to show victory
Difficult is to assume defeat with dignity.

Easy is to admire a full moon
Difficult to see the other side.

Easy is to stumble with a stone
Difficult is to get up.

Easy is to enjoy life every day
Difficult to give its real value.

Easy is to promise something to someone
Difficult is to fulfill that promise.

Easy is to say we love
Difficult is to show it every day.

Easy is to criticize others
Difficult is to improve oneself.

Easy is to make mistakes
Difficult is to learn from them.

Easy is to weep for a lost love
Difficult is to take care of it so not to lose it.

Easy is to think about improving
Difficult is to stop thinking it
And put it into action.

Easy is to think bad of others
Difficult is to give them
The benefit of the doubt.

Easy is to receive
Difficult is to give.

Easy is keep the friendship with words
Difficult is to keep it with meanings.

Easy to read this
Difficult to follow.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Life, y u so complicated?~..

Ok, for the million thousand hundred times, I FAILED MY PHYSICS, ADDMATHS & CHEMISTRY~.. T_________________T WHY??~.. I've tried my best~.. And it seems like i can't pass this 3 subjects~.. heih~.. pnya lha~.. kecewa saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!~.. but i'm so proud wit my biology~.. its improving~.. *I LOVE YOU BIO*~.. Few days left b4 my spm~.. What the heck??~.. I'm not ready yet~.. Yes, i'm dying~.. *pls lha, i'm still young*~..

Ahaaa, there is 1 of my classmate who think he is perfect~.. LOL BOY, PLS BE HUMBLE~.. My BFF *MELANIE* score the highest for maths, pnya lha dea jelez~.. LOL~.. mcm lha dea plg perfect knun dlm tue klas~.. ISH~.. tekanan sa tgk mka dea o~.. BTL!~..

And again, this shitty guy just can't try to respect the others~.. ADAKAH DEA PNGGIL CLASSMATE SA SMPAH MASYARAKAT??~.. Just because u r genius doesn't mean u can underestimate him ok!!~.. Geran btl sa sma kw o~.. sua lha urg baru, mw bt hal lae~.. sa sipak2 kw sna~.. I hate it, kw ckp sa g2~.. adaka~.. ''I WAS JUST TRYING TO HELP HER, BUT SHE PISSED ME OFF~..'' No, i don't need ur help~.. and 4 ur information, THAT'S NOT HELPING AT ALL!~.. NOT HELPING AT ALL!!!!~.. bha sua lha, bt apa jua sa mw brdndam ma kw kn, bkn sa dpt anugerah jua~.. kin stress sja~..

*change mood* Today, it rains heavily~.. I was at MEGALONG~.. And binggung2 nie brfkir mcm mn mw plg~.. tp trip2 cool sja~.. nsib dad sa ambi sa~.. tp sa kna hjan jua~.. trus paning2 lha~.. haiyaaa, knp bha antibody sa lemah sgt nie??~.. sbb sa nda mkn ikan kha?~.. hmmm T_________T nda sdap bha ikan~..

Sa rsa mcm sa ada bt seseorg mrah o nie hari~.. erm sory lha if sa bt kw mrah~.. sa actually men2 ja bha tue, tp sa nda tw pla kw g2 emotional~.. SORRYYYYYYYYYYYY~.. len kali sa serius2 lha klw brckp, namw men2 sua~.. hmmm~..

sa nda tw o apa fungsi sa d dunia~.. mcm kin samak sja nie~.. no one understand me~.. uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa T___________________________________T Ok Dei, u must be strong~.. u can do it!~.. arh, gnie lha khidupan sa nie, memujuk diri sndri sja~.. dui, pnya ss~.. hehe~.. arh pduli, hal sa bha~.. xP

Thats it~..

I’m not a complicated girlfriend~.. I don’t expect you to text me 24/7~.. I don’t expect you to call me everyday~.. I don’t expect you to put me in front of your boys~.. I don’t expect you to ditch all your girl best friends for me~.. I don’t expect you to surprise me with roses~.. I don’t expect you to buy me the world on my birthday~.. I don’t expect you to always agree with what I say~.. I don’t expect you to pay for everything~.. I don’t expect you to go out of your way and buy all the things that I mention I wanted~.. I don’t expect you to put me over your family~.. I don’t expect you to brag about me to all your friends~.. I don’t expect you to believe I’m the best girlfriend in the whole world~.. I don’t expect you to stop checking out other girls~.. I don’t expect you to already know what I want~.. I don’t expect you to never be mad at me~.. I just expect you to be trustworthy, to trust me, to never take me for granted like I won’t take you for granted, to always be real with me, to keep equality between us, and to love me~.. That’s all~..


Top 10 LIES of GUYS
1. I promise I won't leave you
2. You are the only one I am texting
3. I am with my "friends"
4. You are the only one
5. She is only my "friend"
6. I lost my phone
7. Sorry, I am busy
8. I won't change you with another girl
9. I miss you
10. I love you

Number 1 LIE of GIRLS
1. Don't worry, I believe you!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


You used to be the one who fix me, but why are you hurting me now?~..

Sometimes i even wonder, do i still mean something to you?~..

You hurt me more than i deserve, how could you be so cruel?~..
I love you more than you deserve, why am i such a fool?~..

Please don't just ignore me~.. 'cause i am a human too~.. My feelings fade & i can change anytime i want~..

All this time i'm trying to understand you~.. But if i stop loving you someday, its your turn to understand~..

I have so many excuses why i should leave you, but i still choose that one reason just to stay with you~..

Once you cheated on me, no more second chance you'll get~..

If i reply your text madly, you must have done something wrong~..

I feel stupid when you are ignoring what i've been telling you so many times~.. ''DO NOT HANG OUT WITH THEM, I REALLY DO HATE THOSE GIRLS!!~.. "

Once i gave up on you, you won't get me back as before~..

If you really love me, don't just say, prove it~..

I'm sorry, i'm so fucked up~.. But i just hate being ignored~..


OMGOSH!!!!~.. I was a bit shocked but never mind, ngam bha kmu itu~.. bida sma bida~.. truskn lha yer usaha utk mrapatkn lg hbungan anda~.. jgn gnggu hdup sa yer~.. muahahahaha!~.. funny o~.. LOL~.. (men jaat sa nie~.. arh, whatever lha~.. ngiehehehe~..) Erm ok, i just wanna say that, i hate u guys so so so so so much~.. bt sa badmud sja~.. arhhh~.. jgn lae kmu mncul d dpn sa arh~.. sa namw tgk mka kmu~.. low standard g2~.. gRrrr~.. sma klw sa blg sa nda ska, sa nda ska lha tue~.. jgn pndai2 mw kc 'ska' sa arh, sa nda ska~.. hahaha~.. :p

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lord, please don't punish me this way T_________T

I don't know why, but i hate physics so much~.. The only thing that i wish is to drop that subject~.. I feel stress when i enter physics lab~.. It feels like in hell~.. I want to end this stupid horrible year as fast as possible~.. I can't stand to be in that class, seriously~.. I don't feel like i belong there~.. Haiyaaaa, SPM!!~.. I really want to end this things~.. I'll be lucky enough if i can pass my physics~.. I don't aim for an A, i just want it to be credit~.. I feel like dying when i'm talking about my studies especially when i mention the word 'physics'~.. I hope i can pass my spm~.. I want to further my study like everyone wish to~.. Now, i'm trying to touch my physics book, i hope i can do it~.. I really have to~.. After my spm, i swear i will NEVER take any course that relate me to physics~.. I just want to be free~.. It's not that i hate my physics' teacher, i just dislike that subject~.. Its really killing me softly~.. Lord, help me to go through my final year~.. I want it to end up perfectly, not sadly~.. Nowadays, i spend most of my time alone~.. I don't know what is wrong with me~.. I don't reply texts from anyone, and i don't even act like i usually do~.. Well, something is wrong with me~.. I can't stay like this~.. I need to focus in my studies~.. You can do it Dei!!~.. Jia you!!~.. ;D